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The Weighting Episode One: An Introduction

In this first episode, life coach and therapist David Ezell talks about the process and some of the techniques he used to lose and keep off 81 pounds with journalist Steve Calechman (

And here is the transcript to the episode:

The Weighting

Episode Zero

[Theme music up]

My name is David Ezell. I'm a cognitive behavioral coach and therapist. Three years ago it dawned on me that I was a fat hypocrite. I was helping other people get what they wanted and not doing anything towards getting what I wanted, being physically fit. Letting my insides match my outsides. I was tipping the scales at 300 pounds and I set a big goal. To lose 101 pounds and keep them off forever. I have come so far. I've lost and kept off 81 pounds. Can I drop the final 20 before Independence Day? We’ll find out together on this podcast, The Weighting.

[Theme up]

I talked to Steve Calechman, a freelance journalist, about what I'm doing and why.

David: I mean I felt in my own life right. I mean I've come to realize that theres a lot of hypocrisy in helping professions that you know, I know an oncologist who smokes like a freight train. I realized myself what a hypocrite I was. Because I was talking to people about exercising, about you know moderation. But I was 300 pounds. So I took the spotlight and put it on myself. now I'm 80 pounds down and in the home stretch for this hundred and one-pound loss you know and so I wanted to be able to do it myself and so that when I talk to people about this, they can look at me and see that. I'm a living representation of being a healthier person, being genuine and being what I want to be.

So you asked me how you do it, you become aware of the problem, of the broken part. For me it was the hypocrisy. I was a hypocrite and then like “okay well what thoughts are causing that?” and it was thoughts about eating and thoughts about my own body, thoughts about my self-esteem, and thoughts about myself as an athlete. That there were whole families of thoughts that I started writing down. Writing is a really curative thing and then I started applying the tools that I use on my own clients for myself. which is you know doing something that in the business we call a "thought record" where you're actually presenting evidence for and then evidence against the thoughts that you have. So that you're not discounting the positive.

Steve: You're sort of making an argument, you kind of debating aren't you?

David: Yeah.

Steve: What does it do? What is the process do for a person?

David: It helps you come to a new point of view. It’s called cognitive restructuring and it gives you a new answer. So that when you think “I'm a loser,” then you've got another thought that comes right behind that. “What do I feel about myself if I think I'm a loser?”

Please keep in mind the information in this or any episode of the weighting should in no way be construed as medical advice. Always consult a physician before attempting to lose weight and beginning any sort of exercise program. Are you curious about exercises? More dietary information you'd ever want to know and maybe a picture or two?

Head over to the

The weighting is brought to you by me, David Ezell and my producer Patrick Fort. Our theme music is by Waylon Thornton, courtesy of the Free Music Archive. You can find The Weighting on iTunes, Google Play and Stitcher or anywhere you find quality programs and if you like this podcast, share it with a friend and if you want to do me a solid, rate it on iTunes. That’s the primary way other people will hear about us. We’d really appreciate it!

[Theme out]

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